



Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14)


Creative Arts, World Language, Science

Global Goals:

2: Zero Hunger; 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; 15: Life on Land; 17: Partnership for the Goals


Sept 2023 – May 2024 (Phase 1-5)  


Ekaterina Bozdogan

Project Description:

The project is being undertaken in order to raise environmental awareness of children (aged 7-13) as global citizens in line with SDGS 2,4,7,15 and 17. The project addresses environmental problems at local, national, and global levels through students’ agency and innovation. Students conduct research on local geographic features of the home and project partner country (map, location, climate, etc.) in line with SDGs. Students collaborate in groups to identify local problems in line with SDG 2 and SDG 15. They do online research and go on field trips and meet with experts. They then ultimately take collaborative action on the issues they have examined.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

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