Projects by Language Search for Projects by Language AllEnglishSpanishChineseJapaneseCatalanArabicGermanRussianFrenchGirl RisingCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesGomi On EarthSocial Sciences, STEMFolk and Culture ProjectCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesMachinto – Hiroshima/Nagasaki for PeaceCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesSpecial Place ProjectCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesOrigamiCreative and Language ArtsAmigos Alrededor del Mundo – Friends Around the WorldCreative and Language Arts, STEMHeritage (To Be Preserved) / Patrimoine (a preserver)Creative and Language Arts, Social SciencesNatural Disaster Youth SummitSocial SciencesProtectores en AcciónSocial Sciences, STEMStick: Measuring the Circumference of the EarthSTEMTalking Kites: In the Footsteps of J. KorczakCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesThe Olympics & Paralympics in Action (TOPA) ProjectCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesUn Mundo de JuegosSocial SciencesUs Ho ExpliquemCreative and Language Arts3ESTACIONSCreative and Language Arts, Social Sciences, STEMDo Good, Share Food!Creative and Language Arts, Social Sciences, STEMEcosistemas Educativos en el Tiempo: Espacios de Aprendizaje Ayer y Hoy (Pre y Post Pandemia COVID)We Create for You, WorldCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesTaisho KotoCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesMy School, Your SchoolCreative and Language Arts, Social SciencesQRWEEKCreative and Language Arts, Social Sciences, STEMBEe the GOODCreative and Language Arts, STEMWhat Country Are You From?Creative and Language Arts, Social Sciences, STEM