My School, Your School


English, Spanish


Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Language Arts, Technology, World Language

Global Goals:

4: Quality Education;  5: Gender Equality; 16: Peace and Justice, Strong Institutions


September, 2023 – December, 2023


Silvana Carnicero, Mariela Sirica

Project Description:

My School, Your School is a collaborative project that has been created to allow students and teachers to see how education is lived around the world. Students are encouraged to look at their institutions and focus on different aspects about their schools such as timetables, routines, sports, uniforms, celebrations and history, among others. Students are expected to share information about their schools with global peers both in the project forum and the project blog. Students are encouraged to use their creativity to present a clear picture of their schools to the world. They can make use of texts, pictures, presentations and videos to collaborate with global peers and develop their intercultural competence.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

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