What Country Are You From?
What Country Are You From?
English, Spanish, French
Primary (5 – 11), Middle (12 – 14), Secondary (15 – 18)
Creative & Language Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
Global Goals:
4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality, 8: Decent work and Economic Growth, 10: Reduced Inequalities, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13: Climate Action, 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships for the Goals
September 2024 – June 2025
Project Description:
We would like to learn from other teachers and students about their respective countries.
We would like to share with you on one (or many) of the following topics:
1. The geographical location of your country (with a brief description of its geographical position, landscape, population, …), demography and origin of the populations.
2. The economy covering agriculture, fishing, livestock, non-formal …….
3. Politics
4. The religion(s).
5. The main development sectors and types of development policies in your country?
6. What are the gender policies in your country (your definition of gender policies and your views on promoting equity and reducing inequalities in your society.
7. What is the place of culture in society ?
I invite you to share with our teachers in order to have more knowledge about the countries that share iEARN and a broader vision of the societies that compose them.
The results of this project will be put in different forms (PowerPoint presentation, text document in physical and digital versions) and will be published on the iEARN platform but also on other educational platforms for sharing and teacher training.
When is the project most active?
December – June
Length of time to complete project:
28 Weeks
Instructional time required for project:
1-2 hours per week
Salimata Sene, adjasali@gmail.com
layesambaste@gmail.com, ousseynou.seck@ucad.edu.sn
Facilitator country:
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