
English, Spanish, Catalan


Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Creative & Language Arts, Social Studies

Global Goals:

1: No Poverty, 2: Zero Hunger, 3: Good Health and Well-Being, 4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality, 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequalities, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land, 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships for the Goals


September 2024 – March 2025

Project Description:

Los estudiantes elaboran codigos QR en un mural colectivo en linea, compartiendo mensajes significativos a partir del topico “Ideas para mejorar el mundo”. URL: http://qrweek.iearn.cat

To incorporate QR codes made by students in a collective online mural, sharing meaningful messages to the topic: “Ideas to improve the world”.

We want to take a more social approach to the project, focusing on the little things that are at our disposal to improve our environment. Therefore, with the topic “Ideas to improve the world,” we invite students to send us their message contributions to improve their immediate environment.

“Think globally, act locally”
It’s important that the content is meaningful to the student or group of students, and we advise the authors to be themselves

When is the project most active?


Length of time to complete project:

4 – 5 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Margarita Guino, margarita.guino@iearn.cat 

Facilitator country:

iEARN Pangea – Catalunya

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Heritage (To Be Preserved) / Patrimoine (a preserver)

Heritage (To Be Preserved) / Patrimoine (a preserver)

Heritage (To Be Preserved) / Patrimoine (a preserver)


English, Spanish, French, Catalan


Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Social Studies

Global Goals:

 3. Good Health and Well-Being; 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; 9: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure; 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; 13: Action; 14: Life Below Water; 15: Life on Land


September 2024 – August 2025

When is the project most active?

Partners join from various parts of the planet. Southern Hemisphere are more active during their schoolyear, whereas Northern Hemisphere is active between September and June.

Project Description:

Welcome/ Bienvenue (bilingual project) The project consists in choosing the part of YOUR HERITAGE you want to PRESERVE MOST. Once you have chosen the topic(s), whether it is Famous Buildings, Landscapes, Cooking, Emblematic Animals, Endangered Resources
(water, forests, coastlines, Marine Reserves, Coral Reefs…) you can choose whatever activity to describe, and share your presentation. The project is open to all ages from primary to secondary (high) school. The participants choose a topic relating to their country’s heritage and illustrate the topic through descriptions, articles, films, videos, audio documents, posters, quizzes, reports. Previous topics included: the preservation of our oceans, rivers and access to clean water; species in danger of extinction and emblematic wild animals; traditional dishes and cooking; handicrafts, former trades, fashion and traditional clothes; educational progress and access to education for girls; landscapes and beauties of nature
(coastlines, volcanoes, deserts); and arts and religious architecture (temples in India). People, teachers and their students, from up to 60 countries have already participated in this longstanding project. Whatever you can do will be welcomed.

Length of time to complete project:

4-6 weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 Hours Per Week


Flore Morgand, Cguerin86@gmail.com 

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Money Matters

Money Matters

Money Matters




Primary (5-11) Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Social Studies

Global Goals:

8: Decent Work & Economic Growth; 10: Reduced Inequalities


September 2024 – May 2025

Project Description:

Money Matters is an ongoing project where students are able to get into conversation about money, learn some facts about history of money and about money in other countries, discuss students pocket money and proverbs about money, develop critical thinking skills, make media products about money. Students are invited to tell about the history of money in their own countries, to take pictures of money and describe them, to write what is represented on their coins and banknotes. Students will discuss their pocket money and search and explain the meaning of the proverbs about money and illustrate the proverbs. Students search interesting facts about money and share with their partners and they are able to get into conversation about earning money.

When is the project most active?

September – December

Length of time to complete project:

6 weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Natasha Belozorovich, belozorovich@gmail.com

Facilitator country:


Project Phases:

Engagement of all the participants into collaborative work at projects and programs to discuss different side of money matters in different countries, to stimulate the students to learn more about money in their native countries and countries all over the world.

Participants learn more about history of the money and about money matters in their native countries and in countries all over the world, they to compare the use of pocket money in different countries and express how do they understand some of the proverbs about money and illustrate them. Also all the participants are suggested to make a film and other media works about the value of money, to design a currency.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Folk and Culture Project

Folk and Culture Project

Folk and Culture Project


English, Japanese


Primary (5-11) Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Social Studies, Creative & Language Arts

Global Goals:

4: Quality Education, 11: Sustainable Cities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 15: Life on Land, 17: Partnerships for the Goals


September 2024 – June 2025


Yoshiko Fukui, Ms. Ayana Kojima, Ms. Ayane Nose, Ms. Puppala Rasagnya

Project Description

Do you know your local culture? Can you explain it to others?

The project is meant to give the students from different countries a chance to share their folk costumes, traditions and dances with other students and teachers in the world, to promote their culture, folk art and traditions. The students will take/collect photos with folk costumes from their region/country, describe them and give information about the occasions when people use/used to wear them. Students can also create short videos reflecting different traditions and folk dances.

Facilitator country:


When is the project most active?

On November 3rd, which is “Culture Day” in Japan.

Length of time to complete project:


Instructional time required for project:

less than 1 hour per week

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences