CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service




Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), Social Studies, Creative & Language Arts

Global Goals:

1: No Poverty; 2: Zero Hunger; 3: Good Health and Well-Being; 4: Quality Education; 5: Gender Equity; 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 13: Climate Action; 14: Life Below Water; 15: Life On Land


August 2024 – July 2025

Project Description:

The CIVICS project serves as a platform for young people to be actively involved in their communities. Groups of students will be guided to work around Sustainable Development Goals focusing on issues like environment, eradication of poverty, women’s education, and education and literacy.

Students will plan action projects and respond to some of these issues through a process of reflection, dialogue and action.

When is the project most active?

December to January, April to June

Length of time to complete project:

4-5 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

Our Community, Our Responsibility

Our Community, Our Responsibility




Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Social Studies

Global Goals:

3: Good Health and Well-Being, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


September 2024 – June 2025

Project Description:

The world is under threat in recent years. There are wars between countries and violent cases in some schools. Those cases seriously affect human safety and community security around us. In order to maintain community sustainability, we need to know more about Sustainable Development Goals in the United Nations. Through taking a tour in our community, making the community map, the acquisition of the knowledge on the problems in the local community can help students secure the community safety and promote urban sustainability in the city in the future. The concept of community safety and security can be applied in our daily life. With this project, a prototype featuring information technology to solve this community safety or security problem needs to be designed and implemented in your community to see how effective it is to solve the problem.

When is the project most active?

Usually December and May

Length of time to complete project:

9 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Yunchai Chen
Margaret Chen, Taiwan

Facilitator country:

Taiwan R.O.C.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Public Health In Action

Public Health In Action

Public Health In Action




Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Public Health, Health and Wellbeing

Global Goals:

1: No Poverty, 2: Zero Hunger, 3: Good Health and Well Being 4: Quality Education, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequalities, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13: Climate Action, 17: Partnerships for the Goals


September 15, 2024 through May 25, 2025

Project Description:


Public Health is more important than ever. With the changing social, political, cultural and economic norms we need to reimagine higher education—emphasizing Population Health and Social Determinants of Health that promotes attaining the full potential for health and well being for all. This means incorporating “glocalization” into solution centric approaches and creative leadership.

Completing this course marks the level of students’ efforts and signifies a significant step forward in their journey towards understanding public health. Throughout this project, students will engage with a diverse range of topics, methodologies, and real-world applications, equipping them with essential knowledge, skills, and perspectives to navigate the multifaceted landscape of public health.

Moreover, the lessons learned from this course project will serve as a solid foundation for students as they continue their academic and professional endeavors in the field of public health. Whether pursuing further studies, embarking on careers in public health practice, or advocating for policy change, students are well-equipped to make meaningful contributions to improving the health and well-being of communities locally, nationally, and globally.

When is the project most active?


Length of time to complete project:

2 semesters (8 weeks each)

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Dr. Ashish Joshi, Niharika Jha, Michelle Jeu, Kami Geron

Facilitator country:

United States

Project Phases:

Understand Public Health and its related challenges and acquire skills and knowledge that will help to design, develop, and implement innovative solutions that address these challenges using a human centered design approach.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Global STEAM

Global STEAM

Global STEAM




Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Global Goals:

4: Quality Education, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities


September 2024 – May 2025

Project Description:

This project includes several collaborative activities throughout the school year to explore global issues, using a variety of educational tools. These include population growth, climate change, measuring our world, and plastic pollution. Every project has an open-ended component and gives/creates an opportunity to develop STEAM subject skills to use them in everyday life. Schools may do either, or both!

STEAM-based education creates opportunities for self-learning, develops lifelong learning tools, enhances 21- century skills, and stimulates students’ motivation towards creativity, innovation and positive global citizenship.

When is the project most active?

September – December

Length of time to complete project:

5 – 7 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Iwona Kowalik, 

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

Groundbreaking Ideas

Groundbreaking Ideas

Groundbreaking Ideas




Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Social Studies

Global Goals:



September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024


Wiwi Rosaria

Project Description:

This project will encourage students to explore their groundbreaking ideas and present their innovations to be utilized in our highly competitive world as the solutions to our global challenges. Their ideas may relate to new methods or tools in agriculture, new methods of transportation, new strategies in overcoming traffic jams, new robots for learning, etc.They may write their ideas or publish their innovations on a website.

When is the project most active?

October and May

Length of time to complete project:

5 weeks

Instructional time required for project:

less than 1 hour per week


Ricardo Lopez

Facilitator country:


Will the project include a synchronous exchange?


Project Phases:
  1. Participating in teacher training
  2. Instructions on how to carry out the activities
  3. Coordination of measurement dates
  4. Measurement
  5. Calculations with shared data
  6. Share Final Results

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences