CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service
CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), Social Studies, Creative & Language Arts
Global Goals:
1: No Poverty; 2: Zero Hunger; 3: Good Health and Well-Being; 4: Quality Education; 5: Gender Equity; 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 13: Climate Action; 14: Life Below Water; 15: Life On Land
August 2024 – July 2025
Project Description:
The CIVICS project serves as a platform for young people to be actively involved in their communities. Groups of students will be guided to work around Sustainable Development Goals focusing on issues like environment, eradication of poverty, women’s education, and education and literacy.
Students will plan action projects and respond to some of these issues through a process of reflection, dialogue and action.
When is the project most active?
December to January, April to June
Length of time to complete project:
4-5 Weeks
Instructional time required for project:
1-2 hours per week
Shahzad Sheikh, shahzads838@gmail.com
Aqsa Amir aqsa708@gmail.com
Ameena Piracha ameenapiracha.sie@gmail.com
Facilitator country:
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