CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service




Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), Social Studies, Creative & Language Arts

Global Goals:

1: No Poverty; 2: Zero Hunger; 3: Good Health and Well-Being; 4: Quality Education; 5: Gender Equity; 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 13: Climate Action; 14: Life Below Water; 15: Life On Land


August 2024 – July 2025

Project Description:

The CIVICS project serves as a platform for young people to be actively involved in their communities. Groups of students will be guided to work around Sustainable Development Goals focusing on issues like environment, eradication of poverty, women’s education, and education and literacy.

Students will plan action projects and respond to some of these issues through a process of reflection, dialogue and action.

When is the project most active?

December to January, April to June

Length of time to complete project:

4-5 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences




English, Spanish


Primary (5-11)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Creative & Language Arts, Social Studies

Global Goals:

 4: Quality Education, 13: Climate Action, 15: Life on Land, 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


August 2024 – July 2025

Project Description:

Ecoselfie consists on taking a selfie in a ecological space. Children will explain why they take that selfie and they will apply the content to different subjects: science, math, social studies, computing. Students will deal with different kind of geographical areas which help them to promote the identification of natural spaces. They are protagonists in action in a natural and unique scene.

When is the project most active?

April, August, and October

Length of time to complete project:

9 – 12 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Ana Maria Gonzalez
Enid Figueroa
Kristin Brown

Facilitator country:

Costa Rica, Puerto Rico

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

Our Community, Our Responsibility

Our Community, Our Responsibility




Primary (5-11), Middle (12-14), Secondary (15-18)


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Social Studies

Global Goals:

3: Good Health and Well-Being, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


September 2024 – June 2025

Project Description:

The world is under threat in recent years. There are wars between countries and violent cases in some schools. Those cases seriously affect human safety and community security around us. In order to maintain community sustainability, we need to know more about Sustainable Development Goals in the United Nations. Through taking a tour in our community, making the community map, the acquisition of the knowledge on the problems in the local community can help students secure the community safety and promote urban sustainability in the city in the future. The concept of community safety and security can be applied in our daily life. With this project, a prototype featuring information technology to solve this community safety or security problem needs to be designed and implemented in your community to see how effective it is to solve the problem.

When is the project most active?

Usually December and May

Length of time to complete project:

9 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Yunchai Chen
Margaret Chen, Taiwan

Facilitator country:

Taiwan R.O.C.

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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

«Местная история» (Local History)

«Местная история» (Local History)




Primary (5 – 11), Middle (12 – 14), Secondary (15 – 18)


Creative & Language Arts

Global Goals:

4: Quality Education


September 2024 – June 2025

Project Description:

Local history is the history of our native land, the life and way of life of our families, a description of traditions, national cuisine and folklore.
During the project, students collect information about the history of their native land, about the national characteristics and cultural traditions of their people, and then share the results of their work on online forums in the form of essays, presentations, booklets, posters, photographs or drawings.

When is the project most active?

October – May

Length of time to complete project:

5-6 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Alfiya Sibagatulina
Maria Gorbul

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences

CIVICS: Youth Volunteerism and Service

What Country Are You From?

What Country Are You From?


English, Spanish, French


Primary (5 – 11), Middle (12 – 14), Secondary (15 – 18)


Creative & Language Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)

Global Goals:

4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality, 8: Decent work and Economic Growth, 10: Reduced Inequalities, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13: Climate Action, 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, 17: Partnerships for the Goals


September 2024 – June 2025

Project Description:

We would like to learn from other teachers and students about their respective countries.

We would like to share with you on one (or many) of the following topics:

1. The geographical location of your country (with a brief description of its geographical position, landscape, population, …), demography and origin of the populations.

2. The economy covering agriculture, fishing, livestock, non-formal …….

3. Politics

4. The religion(s).

5. The main development sectors and types of development policies in your country?

6. What are the gender policies in your country (your definition of gender policies and your views on promoting equity and reducing inequalities in your society.

7. What is the place of culture in society ?

I invite you to share with our teachers in order to have more knowledge about the countries that share iEARN and a broader vision of the societies that compose them.

The results of this project will be put in different forms (PowerPoint presentation, text document in physical and digital versions) and will be published on the iEARN platform but also on other educational platforms for sharing and teacher training.

When is the project most active?

December – June

Length of time to complete project:

28 Weeks

Instructional time required for project:

1-2 hours per week


Salimata Sene,,

Facilitator country:


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Project Categories


Creative/Language Arts

Social Sciences